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Staff History for AuraGaming

This is an ongoing list of every staff member that has ever been on Aura Gaming. If someone has been left out, please contact L337 (if you can that is...)

Community Owners

Forum Head Admins

Forum Super Mods

Minecraft BETA (2011)

Minecraft Beta was the last server Aura Gaming hosted. The first time (Feb 2011 - March 2011) it was owned by T Ray and then the Second time (July 2011) was owned by L337.

Head Admins



Admins are not listed here, although they all were mods previously, with the exception of Flufflestiltskin and AlphaSierra15

Moderators are listed here with a number(s) in parenthesis, indicating which server they were active on.

Minecraft Classic (2010-2011)

Minecraft Classic was a series of servers on Aura Gaming on Minecraft 0.30. There were three servers:



Modern Warfare 2 Private Server (2010)

MW2 Private Server was created for the purpose of getting players and hoping to play with people for the hell of it. Sadly it didnt get its full potential, due to a bug in the server source to make it LAN Only and not for the actual Internet, There has been talk as well for redoing the server files and making it work, or just scratching it off the list of servers to never get online.


San Andreas Multiplayer (2009-2010)

Aura Gaming SAMP was a bunch of servers created on Aura Gaming for the San Andreas Multiplayer mod for Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas. It was recreated many times:

Head Admins


Game Masters

AuraStory (2010)

AuraStory was a server by L337 during 2010. It met some good success, and was nearly restarted later in the year.


Game Masters

World of Warcraft (2008, 2009)

World of Warcraft was the first game supported by Aura Gaming when it started:


Counter Strike: Source (2008, 2009, 2010)

Also one of the first servers in Aura Gaming, CS:S has had multiple short times on Aura Gaming:



Other servers and more not listed above.

Nerd Violence Subclan (2010)

Only around for a very short time, the N.v sub-clan of Aura Gaming was lead by Ravage, along with a few other members of the clan.

Aura Hotel (2010)

Aura Hotel was a Habbo Hotel server by Aura Gaming that was extremely close to completion. It didn't make it out of “open beta.” This was due to a loss of interest as well as VPS/MySQL problems, which caused the Aura Hotel site to have problems.


Ventrilo (2008-2010)

Everybody knows what Ventrilo is!


TeamSpeak (2011)

Everybody knows what TeamSpeak is! It was, however, a very short lived server on Aura Gaming during the first Minecraft beta server.
